What’s in a Domain Name? When it comes to registering your own domains, Dynadot immediately comes to mind. I’ve been using Dynadot for over 10 years—wait, let me check some of my older domains… Oh, those date back to 2009, so it’s actually been 15 years! I still have a few domains registered with GoDaddy, but…
Category: Resources
Cynderhost Review
If you are just starting out and on a budget, I highly recommend a Hosting Company called CynderHost. You’ll more than likely only require Shared Hosting, so I have shown the pricing and the features for each of the 3 levels. The recommended Unlimited Level is the one I use and it’s got everything I’ll…
Xournal++ A Great Little Onscreen Note Taker
Xournal++ is my goto Note Taker when I am scratching out ideas. I use to do this on Paper but as we all know, bits of paper get lost and hard to find. Even then, it’s hard to know where they’ve got to. So with Xournal++ you can save the files as a PDF or…