Well I might say this a lot at the start of any or all of my AI Posts/Articles and that is… there is still some doubt or suspicion when it comes to what A.I is, but mainly I think it’s more along the lines of what it can become, if we let it. But that’s…
Do you ever hit the brick wall.
Ever have those days where you have all these wonderful ideas, and when everything settles down, you can get some time to actually implement them and then all you do all day is “Hit a Brick Wall”. Well, today is a bit like that. It’s Sunday, it’s a rare day when everyone is either out…
How to create an Affiliate link – the old way
So in my previous post Time to do a little redirect I explained that I have set the folder structure up to allow affiliate links. So the code I use in each folder contains a file called index.php with the code like… <?php header("location: affiliate_link_url "); exit(); Where affiliate_link_url is the actual affiliate link of…
Dynadot Domain Name Registrar Review
What’s in a Domain Name? When it comes to registering your own domains, Dynadot immediately comes to mind. I’ve been using Dynadot for over 10 years—wait, let me check some of my older domains… Oh, those date back to 2009, so it’s actually been 15 years! I still have a few domains registered with GoDaddy, but…
Cynderhost Review
If you are just starting out and on a budget, I highly recommend a Hosting Company called CynderHost. You’ll more than likely only require Shared Hosting, so I have shown the pricing and the features for each of the 3 levels. The recommended Unlimited Level is the one I use and it’s got everything I’ll…
PHP Programming – Enabling Error Reporting
One of many things that can happen in programming is the dreaded – Screen of Nothing… In the case of developing a PHP website script, the “Nothing” results in a Picture of a Polar Bear Eating a Vanilla Ice Cream in a Snowstorm, or “A White Screen of Nothing”. That’s when it the fingers go…
Is AI a Friend or Foe?
When you mention AI to anyone, it can either bring excitement or in most cases it can cause a certain instant attack of panic ranging from mild trepidation to outright fear. The later is probably due to not fully understanding what AI is as opposed to what it might become. Most of us have images…
I want to add in a Newsletter.
A Short ( or long ) prelude Funnily enough, Autoresponders are one of my bugbears in that, in the early days we used to have a script we could use and run it from the website and everyone was happy.While it’s still possible, it’s nearly not worth it for the average person as there is…
Xournal++ A Great Little Onscreen Note Taker
Xournal++ is my goto Note Taker when I am scratching out ideas. I use to do this on Paper but as we all know, bits of paper get lost and hard to find. Even then, it’s hard to know where they’ve got to. So with Xournal++ you can save the files as a PDF or…
ChatGPT Remove Grey Outlines after pasting into Libre Office Writer
ChatGPT is a great tool for assisting in the creation of a whole bunch of information given the correct prompts. Anyway, Once you get some output from ChatGPT that you want to Copy and Paste into a Document, it surrounds everything with Grey Borders. This is due to copying the actual HTML from the ChatGPT…