Affiliate Marketing is one of the most accessible methods to earning an income online.
Pay Special Attention
But I must make a serious serious point here: If you don’t put in the effort, you won’t get the results.
Unfortunately, if you go looking, there are so many programs, courses etc that tempt you with making “Easy Money”. If that was true, everyone and his/her dog would be doing it.
So ALWAYS do your research. Do NOT jump on anything that appears to promise you the moon for doing nothing. It will cost you the moon and the result will be… well nothing.
As with anything, there are tested and proven ways to do this BUT there are also a million ways to go about it. Which can make this very confusing.
The Current Hot Topic
Anything related to the “Teaching” of affiliate marketing is one of the most sought after topics on the internet and for obvious reasons. Everyone (including myself) would love to be able to set themselves up to earn a part time residual income to help with the bills all the way up to a Full time job.
But at the same time, if you can join up under the mentorship of any successful Affiliate Marketer, who has a proven track record and been around for quite some time ( > 10 years ) then that is something worth considering BUT again I must emphasise that there is WORK Involved.
And the WORK is mainly getting things setup. As with anything new, it might seem daunting or too hard or there are many other reasons, but in many cases that alone often results in people falling off the bandwagon…
In its most basic forms
So in its most basic form, Affiliate Marketing is where YOU, the affiliate marketer, promotes ( advertises ) other peoples ( Called Vendors) products and or services.
For every Sale you make, you earn a Commission. This is a percentage of the Sale Value paid by the vendor, to you.
Waving the right thing under the right noses.
If you wave it under the right “noses” then of course you will make sales and that is the trick… Getting the right thing and finding the “noses” to wave it under.
You would have already seen this at work.
If you frequent any of the many social media platforms, you’d have already have seen lots or promotions on various products to improve your Life (or so they say) and Courses on the many ways to earn on income online.
I’ve made purchases that way myself.
I’ve bought the mini vacuum cleaner that can suck a bowling ball through a Garden Hose ( well a bit exaggerated…) but I did need a little vacuum for the car and my workbench.
I’ve bought the USB Chargeable Soldering Iron and on and on…
I’ve bought courses on all the HOW TO’s on affiliate marketing and everything in between over the years and I must admit I got distracted with other ventures (like life) and left it for a long time…
I want to really reiterate this point. It does take commitment and it does take work and there are the right ways to do things and all the other ways which aint so right… And the biggest killer of them all is doing Nothing.
But how do you know what to do? – Find a Mentor
Now there are a few out there and more likely a bunch I have never heard of… But I want to add in a few key points when seeking out someone.
Now please be aware that these Mentor’s have a training / class structured course system where they share everything, which is brilliant. BUT that alone wont help many as there is always that moment where something is mentioned that Draws a Total Blank in your brain and the fun and excitement turns to Dread. I call those the ole “Jaw Dropping Moments of the Bad Kind”. Those moments can take the wind out your sails in no time flat and then it’s “Why am I doing this… What do I need to do now… I just don’t understand…”
Well, If a Mentor is worth their salt then they will have at least regular live online contact in a group where you can ask questions… but remember time is limited and depending on your level of stuckness, they may or may not have time to explain the answer or if they are really good, either themselves or one of their Team will be able to contact you one on one at a later date and get you sorted out.
It’s that level of contact that is very very important and of the few I do know, this is exactly what they do.
These Mentors typically charge around just under $2000 USD one time to give you lifetime access. I also know many others that charge way more than this and good on them…
There are many marketing methods available.
You will learn the Many ways to put your “Thing” under the right noses. The Number One Rule is “PICK ONE and get good at it”.
There will be at least one way that you will find doable and that’s the way to start.
The Biggest Affiliate Marketer Killer is…
The old “Shiny Object Syndrome”. What happens is you start doing something and it might not be giving you the results in the time frame you are expecting and you see something else and off you go…
That is ( and I know from personal experience ) the number one killer… I like to call it “Chasing Rabbits” and has hard as you run you never catch up to the little rascals.
So pick something, anything, and stick to it. It’s what all the Big Time Affiliate Marketers did and still do. They know what works and what doesn’t so learn from all theirs and others mistakes and get into it.
OR you can go down that same path and maybe you’ll stumble upon something that works…
Don’t do it alone.
I have a mentor – Michael Cheney – along with his Team and also a whole community of others all with the same goals and all out to help each other.
It’s not something you want to be doing on your own. As with anything you’ll ever learn, you need a teacher and you need support and guidance and somewhere to ask… Down to “This aint working what can I do to fix it?”
And you’ll also have me to help you out as well.
If you are interested…
Now this isn’t for everyone… Just be warned, you’ll be watching a Video that explains everything in great detail, so stay tuned.
Click here to get the entire explanation of what Michael is offering You.