Now I am going to make a huge confession here. I’ve been dabbling in Affiliate Marketing ( and I emphasise the word Dabbling ) for quite a number of years on and off. Mostly off!
Now I am back and taking this much more seriously and the reasons for that are…
- I am getting older and still working.
- I love working but I don’t enjoy the commute each day.
- I’m not a morning person and I really don’t like the 9 to 5.
- I want more for myself and my family both in regards of time freedom and financial security.
- I want to spend a lot more time with the grand kids as they are growing up.
So I went and found myself a Mentor. This is a guy I’ve seen from way back in the days when he just started and watched him grow into what he is today. As he will tell him yourself, it’s not an easy Slog. Anyone that think’s it is has rocks in their head.
The number one rule is you HAVE to surround yourself with people doing the same thing as you.
And I do not mean the the Egotistical , “I am wonderful” kind.
You want to the associate with the “Oh How Can I help you” kind. These range from brand new folks just starting out to some with a bit of experience to all the way to, “I could retire tomorrow but I’d rather be helping others get to where I am”.
So associate yourself with a group that has your same interests and get involved. There is a lot of collective knowledge out there from individuals only too happy to share what they know, with you!