So I just recorded a video, good or bad, on how to create a post on your blog in respect to promoting any program. You could call it a Review Post.
So this post discusses the Video and some added notes.
I hope it’s helpful.
Now the post in question is Unlocking the Power of LeadsLeap: A Comprehensive Review. Which is just a Simple Screen Shot of the program, and a blurb I wrote on “the features”.
As your Site, Posts and Pages are Fluid, meaning you can chop, change and improve them at anytime, I’ve already come up with some changes I’d like to make.
For instance, creating a Video Review of the Program in question, would be beneficial BUT it’s also good to have a written version with images. Not everyone remembers “Stuff” watching a video, but having something to come back and read over helps reinforce the “steps” and any important facts you need to know.
I can really see this becoming a series of videos and accompanying posts to help explain, in this case, LeadsLeap, all the tools and how to use them. But you can use this method for any program you want to review.
Now the Big Question
Is there a nice, quick way to produce these. Meaning the Video’s and accompanying content, diagrams etc. It can be a very manual process.And the answer would be YES, but we’ll come back to that shortly.
Now in this particular case, I pretty much just “winged it” and that’s ok. But as you can see, the videos can get a bit long winded. Yes, I love to ramble a bit and sometimes this can be a bit distracting but it can also help reinforce the concepts being discussed.
This all comes down to “What works for you”.
So ideally, what you want to is to have some kind of Video Script or something that lists the major points you want to cover. Just something as a guideline because trying to simply remember everything you want to say is sometimes a bit of a challenge. What I am saying is that having something is better than nothing and having something to guide you is extremely helpful. Plus it helps eliminate the endless “Oh no I forgot to say….” Which I did in the above video…
When you are just having a “discussion”, some people like to have the Full Video Script. That works really well if you are not doing too much “live stuff on the desktop”.
Ideally, and I think this is what works best for me, is to actually write out the complete guide. So this could become a number of things…
- A PDF (Ebook),
- A Blog Post,
- A Video Script.
So for me, It would make a lot of sense, to first write everything out, along with images etc. But then this raises the question, “If you’ve gone through everything to create the “Guide” and the images, then how do you “Go back” so to speak, and repeat it while doing a video? And that’s a good question, and one I’ll have to ponder over.
Of course, you can do the video first and from that create the Blog Post and PDF (Ebook). You can take screen grabs from the video to produce the Images if need be.
So I’ll get to doing something quick smart and let’s see what happens.