Well I can see that this theme doesn’t actually indicate that a Post on the main page has “More” to be read except for the wee little … at the very end. To add to the fun, these aint even clickable!
What gives with that!
It’s a really simple task to automatically add on as WordPress Knows to truncate the post so it could easily go “Oh this is longer that what I am showing so I should show a link that says “Read More” or some prompt to indicate there is “More” to read.
As an Aside: I’ve since installed the Classic Editor Plugin, which I much prefer. Ahhh this is what I am used to 🙂
Anyway, having a lil think about this issue, when the “bit” (which is the unofficial official term for “the code”) that determines what to show on the home page and does the truncating, we can add in the special bit that should already be there…
But I’ll have to leave that to another time as the day is getting away from me. Where is my Todo List?
Update: Well I managed to modify the file called content.php for this theme and that worked… And we’ll call that a “major hack” and those bother me… So as I was digging around getting my Mad WordPress Skills back up to speed, I decided to check out doing the ole Child Theme so I wasn’t mangling the main theme and I could go haywire changing things…
It turns out that what I thought was the Main Theme – Fluid Basics – is actually a Child Theme of ResponsiveBlogily – The Minimalist – Theme by Superb Themes.
And guess what… The Minimalist Theme has the “Read More” Buttons.
So I created my own child theme using the ResponsiveBlogily – The Minimalist – Theme as the parent and then things started to fall into place.
From the styling I had worked out in my previous hack, I added the changes into the my new Child Theme to style the Read More button.
So keep in mind, you can override any of the styles in the Parent Theme in the Child Theme. The important part of that is you are not making changes in the main theme so IF there is an update to the parent theme, you wont loose your changes you’ve made in the child theme.
So now I am “back in town” when it comes to styling my WordPress sites.
Time to do some more playing…